Saturday, February 1, 2014

初二 与表姐妹

Happen today three of us wear red and another three wear cream-colored.
Before go grandma house , we go temple for pray. 
Chu 2 most crave day in Chinese New Year. Can meet up my all cousin.
Although we less meet up but once we meet , our topics will talk non stop. 
Stay at my grandma house until at night. Yummiet! Sure every year have a roast pig.
Its thumb up & awesome match with mihun.

Here have big family , which have Eight aunty (including my mum) and have Eight uncle too.
Include all their son and daughter and some more their son and daughter too. Totally if not wrong have 200+ people.

Another steamboat with big family. every food also prepared big size.

all in red.

My lil brother

My two brother. Small that me.. i mean age.

Mum , sister and my dad

I like the picture take by my sister

Pray hard for happiness

Every year also have pork. Yummmy!!

All my aunty [My mum sister]

All my uncle wife. [My mum uncle - wife]

All of granddaughter

All is grandson 

All my Aunty husband. [My mum - aunty - husband]

All my uncle. Some nt coming yet.  Totally have eight too.  [My mum brother]

Big family so need prepared every big size.

Another steamboat day ~

Those are close with me - My cousin

All gambling "kaki"

So tired, I have sleep five hours in per days.

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