Sunday, February 9, 2014

Family Day : Kek Lok Si Temple

When night my family just free go out. My brother keep say want to go Kek Lok Si. I feel nothing special there.. But even ask me stay at home on Sunday really do bored. Special stick at room whole day. At least rest enough then go out have some fresh. Right? 
My family first time go All Season Place looking for dinner. Erm.. Western food! I am craving much !!I will never miss it salmon fish.Hehehe.. We had our dinner at James Foo. The cheap and nice western food ever.
Then only heading to Kek Lok Si Temple for pray Guang Yin Ma. Snap a few with my brother and sister.
Every will jam at Air Item which need pass by here. Lucky today not very jam. Smooth go and back.

Picture of the day

My mum & dad

what this post?! kiss snake?

-.- my dad really pattern more that badminton 

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