Tuesday, February 4, 2014

开工大吉 Warung Pak Su - Mee Udang


 Feel so lazy back to work. We had doing nothing at office then my colleague suggest at office gambling again. Wahaha.. All addiction with gambling still. Special me.We just play for each game RM1.How luck that RM1. can tahan till 2 hours more. Actually the end all money also end d. Lose liao liaoooo~ 

Paper as record who own the money after gambling. LOL

 Thanks boss giving us half day work then back home for rest. I am super tired . seem can have time for rest. I am pretty sure will take a long nap till natural up. 

Heading to Juru for lunch before back home. Warung Pak Su is a near juru kampung . Its is Malay food which have crab, sotong, prawn and fish.. my favor Ikan Bakar!! :D

Mee Goreng with Crab

Mine one.. Mee Udang !! Yummiet!! 

Pang kang there heading here. ignore my whole body ! WTF* 

Delicious nyaa~

 Finish la~


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