Thursday, April 10, 2014

Meet up Friends : Heaven Gate with girls

Its my first time hang out with the girls never meet out before.
We heading to Heaven Gate for dinner. And it also change the brand new menu of cooked to perfection. We have get the 15% discount promotion. The promotion is until 15th April 2014.

Have a great night chilling with them all. All are friendly person that i never expect.
I am glad to know Eileen and her friends that she intro me.

Next we go Mish Mash cafe which Eileen friends - Andy friends new opened.
Glad to go for try their drink . But the drink is weird . Maybe not suit of our taste.

Just the picture to show out how fun we had.

He's name Andy . The only guys

She's name MoMo

She'name Yushiiz

And she my friends - Eileen 


Glad to be with them.

Anyway happy Birthday pretty ! You look great enough. Stop complain fat now. 

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