Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hunt Food : Roti bean & Goat Farm

Dear Diary ~Its another outing with colleague

Early having breakfast at Roti Bean. Its my second time.

My two colleague , Pei Wen & Kesven

Three of guys. *center one what ur expression ?

Let me take a selfie ~~!! 

take #2 selfie

This is yummentt! But not mine..

My favor egg with ham . + soya drink.


Always my lovely colleague..

We at Saanen Dairy Goat Farm near Balik Pulau. All Mie Mie ...

Durian love !!

Just the feeling i have feel..
Sometimes I keep my feelings to myself because its hard to find someone who understands.
I like to hangout with people that make me forget to look at my phone.
Appreciate what you have right now, because you don't always get a second chance.

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