Monday, August 18, 2014

Celebrated Birthday : Bpei [Auto City ByBy Shop-bpei shop]

Today i have make a appointment for treatment hair. Lucky the shop not much customer.
So that i just have two hours to done my hair treatment. 12pm start until 2pm i went home for rest. 
 I thought i have enough time for me to clean up room. 
But in the end i have chatting with customer which have ask me about Mary Kay Product.
My jobs is help to intro what customer need and know more about their skin.

After the night , we have planning to celebrated Bpei birthday.
Join person have Me, Candy , Iwer, Fish , Vera, Nixon ..

Bpei , I want to say something with you if you have read my blog..
Sometimes I very not agree what the word you say . But i some the most happy and smile on face , their heart is mostly need LOVE. I really wish that you may found your true love. Some one who not care everything and care & love you. We always your friend. No.. its best friends. How you down do not forget still have us ya. My always best friends. <3 p="">

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