Sunday, March 22, 2015

❥Mary Kay : Car Booth Sales at Time Square

Car Booth Sales Venue : Penang Times Square Date : 21st & 22nd Time : 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm
There is another event, Big Bad Wolf book sales at Penang Times Square at the same time. Come and support us we have 3 hours event there.

Do you feel i am so yeng ? :D This angle shooting me like so round face. 
Getting fat again. what the flower~ 

I just simple make up. Seee 

today we did not bring table .. soooo.. put on my car side. 

Waiting customer to try 

Dinner with love 

Make up of the day 

Shopping of the day .. 花钱花光光,为国争光.hahahah

Finally I can have my coffee. So sleepy 








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