Sunday, September 13, 2015

My kind of Sunday

Self homemade cook lunch + dinner 
i am pretty sure my parent wont eat this.
Only its my bro + sis and my favorite
Lucky i know the way to cook this. But if i eat alone with all of this.
I will very start feel "geli" with the cheese .
I am try to learn it from youtube which that people who share at the video.
The way to cook creamy pasta. Finally its success   


I feel like weekend stay home so...... bored. 
Even some of people say stay home for rest .
cause next day will be another working day.

Chill at Icon City which very nearly my house. 5 min if no any traffic jam will be reach. 

能跟我玩在一起的有两种人 一种是能忍受我发神经的人 另一种是和我一样发神经的人

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