Monday, May 9, 2016

Celebrate Pei Wen Birthday at Black Kettle & Metisser patisserie @ Penang

Monday not blue.
Finish work then heading to Penang for dinner.
We went to Black kettle try their food.
Actually we came here for celebrate Wen Birthday.

Pei Wen order Smoked Duck Spaghetti - RM28

Me order Squid Ink Spaghetti - RM35

Aaron order Lamb Curry Spaghetti - RM28

emo emo press phone 

Next we chill out at Metisser patisserie & Tea Room
girl favor  . High tea with cake and nice tea with great person.
I love this place very much. Will come for next time with another person

we order :
La Gayavier - RM15
Caramel Au Beurre Sale - RM14
A pot of tea ~ French Super Blue Lavender - RM12

Happy Birthday Pei Wen 
Hope u enjoy the place that i plan :]

This guys learn the way i take pic . LOL 
Without selfie stick , i am sure using some pot or any cup put the phone to straight
selfie myself like so enjoy alone.  

and he say want learn this skill with me . LOL 

Taaadaaa ~ here i am take pic . Nice leh :p 
If i asking people retake many times sure they will i am so annoying 
self enjoy selfie

This guys .. Hmm.. selfie himself too

what a lovely ~ inside the toilet 

Well, as now i habit my lip with color . add some pink. 

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