Monday, August 16, 2010

Please do not hurt me anymore!

I hope u can say clear my reputation...
Is not my idea to close your Facebook profile...
That ur idea to close it...
Is that you turn off your hands close it..U know?
I hope u can say properly with u ALL friend !... 
I dunwan have any misunderstand in my problem or my life right now..
I just dunwan have any problem and trouble happen to us also..
Is not good for us also..i know u have help me mention with ur fren..
But not explain till like that wrong way ,u know?
Why u dunwan say is u close urself..But no...Haizzz...
If that my idea , I dare admit all i done..
If it is not ! I hope you do not make a rogue.Please...
I Please U... Can u dun do that with me....
I dunwan my life have any stain *
Is really very disappointed now.
I had not thought after break, also like this are many are occurs on my problem...
Is been really uncomfortable by rascal's feeling, hoped that the time can dilute all. 
Before where have joyful I gone to! 
I just wan have a peace life...
Can u please dun broke my life?
Maybe U think im negative now...But im nt..
I just dunwan my life become like tat!...
I Just wan keep in touch with u as a good fren also..
So ..can u please dun do tat with me,ok?
我怕我自己受不了... 每一天只能带着哭过去..

I hope u can understand what i say...
Maybe i have leaking so word..but almost also in here ad..
remember what u promise .. Its just my small request .. Thanks u,kido

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