Monday, September 6, 2010

Meet up new friends - Isaac & his friend

Today going Queenbay with Isaac and his friend..
Planing watch Piranha..Very terrorist movie lo!
But I very much like watch too!..i love movie like blood..then got die people 1..;D
This ma call bian tai lo!LoL
When in cinema..First i told my friend , I will be frightened
But final shouting too ... Not because i scare ,OK !
I just that movie make me frightening only la!
If sound suddenly loud 1.. ishhhh..
But they always keep laugh me !
Then having dinner at Sakae Sushi..I am so hungry!^^
Two cups of drink & menu..

Isaac and Me...this pic look am so fatty la! ishh
His friend and Isaac 
Before pay..take a picture first..^^
LoL...he so cute!
Yao Yeng nia..hahahaha
This two guy...

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