Friday, May 27, 2011

Chilling at Overtime

Dear Diary ,
Court down weekend .. finally is nearly again!
Every single day very suffer with my day.
I wish i  could past my "suffer" day as well..
Busy whole day week.. If not that fun as u think. Such a tired life.
Milo as my first meal today .. then ?! Off to work nor.
Still the same day and same thing happen la.
Finish class then heading to Auto City with Eric , Pei Shan and Cesc Tan
After class chilling at Overtime tonight with them !! Weee...
Actually is celebrate Holly birthday, but i dunwan them rushing back from Penang .
Just cancel ad.Let them enjoy their two sweet memories in Penang better.
The mostly forward day is Friday and Saturday ! That my days =P
Suddenly so miss all my babe.. haiz..
When start new life is less contract with them ad.
Will date them out when all free =D
Today i try apply new eye brown which brand KISS ME.. 
Supper at Pelita nor !! 
Will skip the topic now. Picture will show you guys everything we have done
Remove my make up and wash face twice ...
Gonna sleep "early" now.. almost nearly 4am ad.fml.
If i keep late sleep then i will become old lady soon.So, night yoo~!!
Stay tuned ya .. TaTa

Two sweet couple <3


Me & Pei Shan 

Finish liao !!~!! Can i wan more ? xD

Three of themm... =)

I like this picture !! :))

This pose like KIDSSSS laa!! lolzz

Eric and Me =)


Goooshhh!!! beside pei shan "black face" is who ?! haha

Sexy babe <3

Supper supper ! we so hungry after drink..

Roti Tisuu~

P/s :-
能被别人抢的走的男人,都不是你的Mr. Right

爱上一个人不容易 放下爱的人难

 两个人在一起不是你情我愿就可以 怎样维持一段感情才是最大的挑战


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