Saturday, May 21, 2011

Out with old friend

Dear Diary ,
Not early wake up and still rolling on bed play game 
What's plan today. I have no idea want go where leh.
Shopping or movie ?! 
This month i have to stop shopping and buy anything useless.
Speed too much money in this month .
And still have FOUR baby birthday .. lolz*
Heading to Queesbay Mall for movie today with my friend.
 Pirates of The Caribbean later .. xD
Long time not meet Axel nor. He change a lot ki..
Not bad la! haha.. seems he keep fit success ad ! Keep it on ya =)
and not always say lack of love again..
work hard and earn more money for future better la.
Chilling some drink at Station One Cafe nor.
Hmm.. just simple day today.. I feel Pirates of The Caribbean not really nice.
Very disappointed with this movie. a lot comment la! just one word.. SUCK!
Just some part funny nor.. 

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