Monday, May 2, 2011

Holiday have just start

Dear diary ,

Hmmmm.. Let me pick this color as my word today .. Maybe i need some colorful in my blog. Sometime i look so bored with my blog. You u think .. ? sure wont too complicated la.

Hey !! Recently very very very lazy blogging here. Almost also delay only post out my picture and blog. Sorrryyy guys!! Haha..
Follow my twitter if you want it. There sure will daily post. 


Hope u all dun mind ya .. Recently also EMO-ing .. Sometime will look happy , sometime i look down. I hope i can cover back soon. Just wanna forget about the past. I know it can be hard for me. But i will try my best ya.

Yesterday was International Labour Day. But it was Sunday. So Sunday holiday is replace by Monday. But in May i have two week holiday then only start my study and have a new jobs soon. Am i excited this new life? LoL.. I hope i can get a better that before. I wish to be like this. I hope i can make it too. Without any trouble or problem happen in my life. Recently very trouble about my LOVE. I hope can faster solve it . Just stop about this topic 1st.

This is was lovely day .. waiting my friend pick up me. I get my new phone today !! But also need to thanks him acc me go and take. And asking about more information. I am sure will miss it something to ask. Then , heading to Queensbay Mall about 4pm i guess.

Finally he pick up me.. On the way go Penang .. Hope wont traffic jam ya!

Why this two also same pose.. yea~!! Just take few picture 
I just testing jer ..=P

Buying ticket at GSC - Red Riding Hood. This movie for me is normal and nothing special . But in this movie , Valerie look pretty . A beautiful women torn between two men.She is in love with a brooding outside - Peter. But her parents have arranged for her to marry the wealthy Henry. For me , I think Henry look good than Peter . How u guys think..

Red Riding Hood

Hmm... just have one hour to go ..Having lunch at T-Bowl which is near GSC cinema only. He is first time try this .. maybe he say :" Yii..Why the design like toilet , not interest when come in enjoy the food too".. But the food is not bad la. Things are not looking appearance , same as food too.

Lazy to continue it .. Picture is show everything about my day .. Thanks for view ya =P

Waiting the food come .. =) 

 Can i order all ah..Love till the MAXXX   xD

 Nice design .. LoL*
Wait !! Stop eating first . I need take a picture.. 

Taaadaaa.. Not mine 1 la.. 

哈密瓜西米露  Mine* 

Still my favorites 

 Tuttii Frutti !!! againnnnn~

Hey !! curi curi use my phone take my picture ah ! =P

Busy eating... lolz*  open mouth ..Ahhhh~  D :

All is mine.. =P
 ( just two of us.. order customer also take away)


LaMeiZi Steamboat near Bayan Lepas.. 

You think we can finish it .. 
I try ask him dun order too much fish ball ad.. LoL* 
No vegetable geh.. =(

Little boy =) 

 That M3 !! ^^

Lamp and pig ! 
( you know what i mean hor) 

That i always eat it ! .. 

P/S :-
Sometime i really feel my blog SO BORED ! I need more picture here to bring it out my daily thing. And i not need to say too much at here. Picture is always the everything .. LoL.. Stay Tuned with my BORING BLOG la.. haha.. I try my best take more picture too =)

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