Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday night

Dear Diary,
This few day even is holiday but i just stay at home.Such a good girl for this few day . And sleep till natural wake up. How good if could everyday like this. Need to clean up my room and my table. Seems still have one more week start study ad. I tot i will stop my study. Hope i have concentrate my study as well. Everything seems simple until think about it. Just make me simple..

Tonight gonna watch movie with my friend. Eric, Cesc , Pei Shan and Me. Stay at home for few day like a lazy warm. LoL* .... Eat , sleep Eat sleep ... and some more la! Online .. This is my holiday life? Maybe~!! Not think to spend too much money . Mother Days is soon. Have to buy something for my mum .. How about your ?? I am think to buy perfume at SaSa. Hmm.. Wonder which brand is the best for my mum.

Off to Sunway Carnival.. Waiting them pick up me. But i guess about 9pm+ only reach. I gonna bored die in my house ad la!! Wear my blue lens , but make me feel uncomfortable . Too dry ad !! Gonna order new lens ad. Throw the stupid lens in rubbish !! Ishh.. make my eye pain !! Hmm.. Thor 3D tonight !! Never think will watch this movie also. But after watch the trailer feel not bad.

I have no idea just only have 3D in GSC.. Because i dunlike watch 3D movie. That stupid glasses make me headache and dizzy . I have this feeling ... how about your ? Maybe i not habit it ..After finish Thor , just can say ! The story is nice !! Haha.. Luck it not make me disappointed ah. Just i not really like the finally nor... Some people say not nice. If for me , i will go watch myself. Everyone not same concept too.

Lazy to showing the story here.. If you feel interest just go watch ya ! Wont make you regret . But almost people will say Fast 5 is the best movie . Same as me too !! It's cool.... Because i like driver fast car too.

After watch movie , still heading to Raja Uda eat TomYam Moi !! LoL* Actually i need stop eat my supper. BECAUSE horrr!!! I AM VERY VERY FAT NOW.... is real one la!! Dun even see my picture then say i am not . Feel sleepy that time ad. But some never go eat before. Just me the follow one =P  Share the TomYam Moi with Pei Shan... Luck no need wait till one an hour that. The people is less and less.. I remember that time is about 12am ad.


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