Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wedding Dinner with colleague

Dear Daily ,
Today is Mother day.. Any plan celebrate with your mum
My mum today quite busy !.. 
Even i wake up morning, my breakfast also cook by my lil
Mother Days , I want to say is..
Dear Mum, I maybe not told you always but i always love you.
Happy Mother Days to my mum and other mum too! 
听妈妈的话, 别让她受伤, 想快快长大, 才能保护她.
My parent going Grandma house ..
But i am attend my old colleague wedding dinner tonight.
Whole day stay at home updated my blog nia.
Haiz..Busy this few day only today can updated.
I have done 3 blog in per day. Keep upload my picture in here.
Prepared out for dinner with my colleague nor.
Not thinking to drunk .. So i will control not drink alcohol .
There have some picture take at there..
Funny picture and make me memories it =P
Gonna prepared go out nor !! =)

My sister become my camera girl for awhile...Haha*

This two cha po ah! hahaha..

Three of us .. ^^

Four girls here...

Me and Su Wei 

FiFi and Me

Teeeeheee.. showing our teeth ! hahaha

SuWei and Miss Tim 

Three of us.. ^^ Like this !! =)

Misss tim.. what u doing ah ! huh 0.o

Ahhhh!! My boooobsss!!! 

Small eye girl !! But I like this ! =) 

Thanks my reader view my blog ya ! Kam Sia !! ^^

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