Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday Night is Party Night

Dear Diary ,
Woot !! Party party party night in tonight ....
Went Auto City having dinner with Daniel - Sakae Sushi 
Thanks the dinner ya ! Miss sushi badly ! LoL*
Love it so so much.. 
"Will keep it short word at here.."
Just showing all the picture happen in my day.

The Menu
That Me !! =)

Daniel yoo~

Waiting my dinner.. hungry nor .. sob sob !!

Green Tea HOT~

That my dinner.. Noom Noom ^^

Yaaaaaa~!! Ice -Cream =P


Yeah~!!! Let's party night ! Actually tonight just simple go Fuel.
Simple have some drink with Daniel only.
But meet his colleague there.. Hmm.. 
Then join together nor..! It's better that two person drink ..
Love the Fuel place.. Nice song ! Let's HIGH HIGH HIGH ~
Try to control myself ad.. Just one pint Hoegaarden only leh !
But i am the most fast turn "red" face ..
Too poor in drinks ad.. Haizz..!! But actually i not really drunk yet. 
Just... High jer.. =PP
But i am so happy can join with them too..! 
Anyway , happy to know u guys ya =P
Here have some picture take by ME !! 

Hey guyss~!! See here please ! 

All people is so ENJOY-ing

Nice to meet you guys yo~ !! 
And i am so happy to know u all too.. =)

After next week gonna start my study life.
But still have work..
If not how can i get income ner..
Will less and less drink ad.
Less alcohol life !!~
Only know that recently keep drink drunk drank
My mum sure will killing me soon..Aizh*
Stay tuned my blog.. Maybe i will less updated blog
But i will try my best spend some time for blog
No more daily blog ad.. Sorry yo!!~

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