Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hang out with my cute friend

Dear Diary,
I am delay my blog ad ! So.. sometime i have forget.. Just ignore about the bla bla thing 
Feel like quite long didt upload my blog ad. I wish i could blogging everyday.
But i have not enough time ! Seems when i start work and study.
My time is full of outside.. Haizz.!!
Very very busy with my work
and my account class.. Gooshh!! totally confuse about it.
When Queensbay Mall with Danny .. I want movie movie..!!^^
Super 8 ....but i feel very disappointed about the movie..
special the end ..!!-.- feel like very bored nor!
Having dinner at Sakae Sushi .. noom noom =P

I love Sundays, but for this reason: The day after Sunday is Monday, I hate it.

Just share the picture as my day ^^ 


My cute friend ! haha.. 

noom noommmss =P

Crazy in picture :)

Mineeee :)

Picture in toilet ! LoL

the movie we watch.. lol..

~The End ~

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