Saturday, June 11, 2011

Heading to Penang

Dear Diary ,
Hello Saturday ! You know how much i love you .. 
Today i plan whole day full of outing .. Love my life so much.
I just dunwan waste my time on it..
Meet up my old colleague then have some lunch with her.
Chilling at Old Town and we talk a lot ! I feel great with her.=)
Seems she have bought a new car.. When i only have my own car !!
Wanna earn more money to buy anything i want it !! Must !!!
Then swimming season nor !! Plan to go with Fanny and Holly.
The first time Saturday went there.. Woot !! A lot guys there.. lolz
and a lot "Monkey" there playing water but not swim ! Ishh..!
Prepared go Penang with Daniel and meet up my friend ! 
Dinner at Coffee Island which is near Gurney only.. Long time not going there nor..
The first i meet Fong and Raymond there.. 
Nice in talk too! Good .. Maybe i am the one who talk active too..
Second round just went beside the Overtime have some drink ! LoL..
Picture time !!~ Chi cha~ 
Keep it short here.. Hope u guys will like my picture ya ! Thanksss =P

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