Saturday, June 4, 2011

Movie Daysssss

Dear Diary,
Such a busy day today . Wake up early and prepared go out.
Swimming season nor !! Go there meet up Fanny and Holly
But luck is Fish and Connie and her friendly friend too..
Six gals swimming in the pool ! quite fun there.. lolz.. It's really long time not that feel.
Actually i still dunno how to swim.. Just go there play the water =.=!
LoL!! Planning every Saturday will go swim. I try to learn it too..
Haiz..!! Can i ask " 有没有学游泳是不会喝到水啊” teach me !!
After swimming then go Dim Sum as breakfast ~!! Weeee.. Craving as long time.
Dim Sum + Chinese Tea .. the best breakfast ! Haha..

Feel so tired after swim..but i skip my napper time acc my friend go for lunch.
Lunch at Old Town .. But i just order Ice-cream ..still full of dim sum =P
Lazy for doing everything. Just face the book after that. 
And wait my friend pick up me and Fanny later.
Heading to Penang nor ~!! Guess what ? Went to Gurney today.
Having lunch at Kim Gary with Jason and Fanny .. Today just three of us.
Movie movie ~!!! Everybody watch Kung Fu Panda ~ lalalalalalalalala~
Yiii... The baby panda so so so cute la!!! Can i have one ? =D
All the part movie so so funny la! hahaha.. laugh non stop there.


Then go Strait Quey - Charlie Brown Cafe for Mocha coffee...!! 
Need plus my power.. if not i will feel more sleepy.
Fanny busy take her picture there.. Same as me too.. LoL*
Another movie again.. Mean after coffee then off to Gurney again.
So.. Guess what we will watch the next movie.
Paul.. Such a stupid and bored movie.
I though it was very funny but i am getting lie when i watch the trailer ..Zzzzzz..
Sleep in the cinema almost . And my stupid lens make my eye more dry ! Yawn*
Reach home almost also 2am + .. Such a busy and fun day ! But all about movie.
When back home have pass Upper Penang Road .. All people sure is enjoy their party night
But today i didt touch any beer too.. Guai leh! xD
Today all the plan is OUTING . I feel good today and love it so much.
For me now, i feel enough ad.. Really !! Dun expect too much for it.
4am only off to my bed ! Night people ! 

Wait wait wait ! I sleep jer ! But dun forget the picture ! =P
Picture Picture !! ^^

In Gurney Toilet ~!! 

Waiting... two couple shirt ..lolz!!

Yessss... i look taller that you jason ! hahaha

What happen with the cinema ! all the people is coming out ~!!

Mocha !~

Need coffee badly !!

Three cute drinks here..!! ^^

Pity boy helping us take the bag bag ! hahaha
But he look happy what !=P


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