Sunday, June 5, 2011

Weee... Outing with my friends

Dear Diary ,
Wake up early for revision my homework... Lack of sleep today.
Just sleep 5 hour in per day. My life sure will skip till very short if still keep like that.
Help my sister open a new blog too. LoL and create a new nick name for her.
Landy Queenie !! Finally i have using two hour create her blog.
Prepared my thing done and wait Daniel pick up me and Fanny.
Today heading to 1st Avenue meet up Holly , Peter and Jason.
Recently also after 4pm or 5pm only outing. I dunlike the sun burn my skin.
X-Men as movie today ! A lot people also here.. so hard to find parking nor.
movie with Me, Fanny , Holly , Peter, Jason and Daniel. 6 people ..
After movie then go LaMeiZi steamboat as dinner. TomYam Soup here i come! 
Hmm... today's the day i've been very satisfied ad. 
Just show the picture here nor.
Thanks again for view my blog ^^

Finally done my picture nor !!
Thanks for view ya! ^^


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