Sunday, July 31, 2011

Movie movie day today :D

Dear Diary,
I'm up early in this morning, planning go Mengkuang with Fanny babe.
But she have forget our date ! Hngg!! I have sleep four hour only.
Went Queensbay with Pei Shan , Eric and Soo Chong .
Just a simple day and simple wear. Today outing just allow t-shirt
And i dun have make up too. Just wear a pair lens then outing !
Hmm.. watch Captain America today. I wonder nice or not nor..
But u guys gonna watch it ! U will not regret about it ! haha..Interesting!
Then i realized early this year have been twitting about Captain America movie
And what a coincidence. Here it is,
The movie is almost done and it about to be released by Marvel on last week of July!
I am waiting Final Destination 5 ! Cant wait for it !! Haha..
Having dinner at Shabu Shabu! Steamboat ! Yummieee ^^
Today the hungry ghost festival have open gate ad !
Sound like horror ?! o.0 Hmm..
Ohh Gooshh!! He so man in this picture !Sexy body!  Wooot! 0.0
This new trailer is longer and seems to get into the real meat and bones of the story.
Hell, I'll admit it ! It will be nice after u watch this ..

Just some picture here..^^

~End ~

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