Saturday, July 30, 2011

Yaaa~!! Had a great night ♥

Dear Diary ,

Halo reader !♥

 I'm back again.. Just have a short blog here again. 
Sorry for not saying too much here. 
Just take some time to spent with my blog
Share out what i have done today =)
the first thing i wanna say is.. Welcome back Eric.
Actually he just study at KL la! LoL .. 
why my sound say like living foreign.
But just back for few day outing with us.

Hmm.. We have make it some nice place chilling with other.
It have Me, Eric, Pei Shan and her boy friend - Soo Chong
So, tonight went SixNine Masion !! Weee.. 
Seems i have went there two time i guess.
Have been like time not go there ad.
 Miss the memories last time with my friend.
All like crazy and fun! Hmm.. Shall we make it again! LoL ..
Quite long did not meet them all when i stay at my hometown.

Having dinner at James Foo.. 
Guess what the happening we went there.
I think tonight will be the first time i need line up and wait for the seat and order.
Such a full house tonight ! Maybe we make it wrong time.
It was dinner time about 7pm like that.. Hmm.. just wait for awhile nor.
Busy taking picture at there too! Haha.. That my habit nah ... 
So...?! Haha..Just keep it as memories what ! Don't u think i like. 自拍狂hor..
But.. I really is.. I feel that myself la. 
Go where .. eat what even stand at where also pic.

Hahahaha!! Alright !! then after dinner went to SixNine ..!!
Think to sitting near at swimming pool but all full of booking .. sob sob!
After that went Mois meet my friend .. two lil monkey i meet!
And meet a lot friend there too..
Happy to meet him and other.. He still the same ! LoL =)

Keep it on my life ~ Opppsss!! The last day of July and the brand new moth on tomorrow.
Wish me better that after ya! wish u guys too 

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