Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pulau Jerejak two days one night

Dear dairy ,
Hello peeepoooo!! Sorry for late updated my blog.
Just delay few day only updated here.. 
I have stay two days one night at Pulau Jerejak with my colleague.
I guess have 30 girlsss .. LoL.. 
Wake up early about 5.30am. I really cant sleep well leh!! =.=
Panda eye must be sure ad!! @.@ IMAGE my eye....
Hmm.. We not just go there fun but it go there training nor.
But is really fun with them all.
When work time we busy and very serious .
But this two day is face with real face. 
Each position also stay same too.. That good , izit ? =)
I just skip here.. Here have some picture too show out..
I have been sleep four hours only. I cant sleep well too.
One bed but three of us sleep together.
But we have a bed time talk.. :)
So that we can know more each other too.. Nice one 
Busy with my report at there.. Zzzzz... " Still want write report pula" FML!!!
2am only finish the report .. Feel dizzzyy~ 
Flying fox , Hiking, Wall climbing, Guided jungle trekking in per day.
Tired but fun ! LoL.. Stop here.. 

Yeng leh! Ai zaiii la! =P

Backk nor !! Byeeee ...







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