Sunday, October 9, 2011

Movie Day

Dear Diary,
What a hot day and cold night ~!! I cant sleep well for this few day.
Hmm.. Lack of sleep have killing me ..
Heading to Gurney early then empty car park there.
Haha.. Just simple watch movie - White Snake..
Crave this movie as long! Nice and touching..
Then only heading to 1st Avenue watch Abduction 
The man was so cool! U guys have to watch it ! 
Starting i not really understand why they all need to caught that boy.
But have to watch the final only know what going on about the movie.
Dunno where should have dinner.. round here round there.. 
James Foo Restaurant  ,Sushi ,Pizza Hutz, LaMeiZi, Strait Quey ....
Went Belissa Row - Bella Italia Restaurant having dinner
Such a lovely dinner with them all =)

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