Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hey Saturday

Dear Diary,
Sorry that my blog keep it short and more short now..
I have done my blog early but that stupid Streamyx line suddenly down line.
I totally cant save it .. So, all i have typing is gone.. 
I just say i am lazy retyping the blog again.. 
Just a simple blog here.. I know my broken english keep appear here..
Hope u all understand ya! xD

I have few say not sleep well.. Dun have any trouble just cant sleep well.
I had a bad dream recently but when i wake up already forget .
Hmm..Today i have no wear lens , but seriously i wear lens is because i want my eye bigger.
But is not that comfortably after i wear it. 

Heading to Gurney watch Real Steel !! 
Damn cool after watch this movie..!!!
Is really amazing movie about the robot boxing.
Special Charlie's son, Max- very handsome and cute !! OMG

Having lunch at Chill .. Nice one.. I guess i am first time try .-.- San Pat 
But i have order Lamb Chop here.. Very very taste .. Thanks Daniel =)
So... after finish movie then back home ad..
BECAUSE tonight i have Costing class.. Shittt~!!
Can i skip the class today ! I want party night with my friend nah!!!

Listen to Hitz Fm music really make me rock . Feel like going shake shake..LoL
Just spent my Saturday night watching Drama with my lil sister..
Planning up early jogging with my sister too.. I look fat now..
Keep eat eat eat , ever i less eat supper.. But WHY ?! Haizzz..
Girl always dream that how she eat also wont be fat..
I wish that too~!! Because i love eating so much ~

Here have some picture with my day today ~!!
Thanks for keep view my blog. Love u guys =)

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