Sunday, October 16, 2011

Revision Time

Dear Diary,
Up early about 7am going jogging with sister..
Sweating a lot here..
Emmm... My mum have cook Ban Mee..
Is better that outside food.LoL..
Today cancel all the outing plan.
Just go for revision with Fanny at McD - Auto City 
Need start revision nah! Haizzz..
Too bad i always out on weekend ..
What a simple day w my babe - Fanny =)
Love to chit chat with her.. 
Wait for her exam finish then go shake shake together.
Ban Mee~!! Homemade :)

Chilling at Mcd with my babe - Fanny =)

Here we are.. Revision today

What a dark circle on my eye ! oh noo~!!

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