Saturday, February 11, 2012


Dear diary,
WELCOME to today: another day, another chance; feel free to change

Love to work on Saturday, free! If this everyday
 I think I should very happy looking forward to the coming of the day.
Later have to meet up other colleague , chilling some place =)
Miss them much much.. Some have resign and some have move to another department.

Oh Gooshh.. We having lunch at Blogger and chit chat till four hours more. 
All the gossip office thing... bla bla bla.. How i wish i could change another jobs now.
Now days my jobs like work more and salary less.. FML !!

Having dinner at home.. Yummiee..
Homemade Laksa !! Craving as long..I have eat more that three plate.. 
Getting fat and fatter now..

Heading to Overtime with friends ! Had a great night ^^

That moment before i go to bed and you count how many hours of sleep i going to get. LOL.. 7 hour must b sure in per day!


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