Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Ah Neh Neh Day

Dear diary ,
Hi reader...

Should be have a day holiday to us. How suck that my company didt have off.
Worker said: We want holiday ! More holiday..
Boss said: SO WHAT ?! Ah Neh Neh day only. Are u Ah Neh Neh meh ?!
Whatever is what day la! Today should be holiday !! Feel very unwilling to go work.
Thaipusam 太不三,太不应该发生的三件事。
 1) 交通阻塞 2) 环境污染 3) 酒后闹事

Oh goshh! Almost everyday i have oder Lohas , Fresh , Tai Tea or maybe T-Garden bubble tea.
Sugar around my sit place, as long i keep it that sure will "sugar sick"

Valentine day is coming soon. Girls always expect that day someone who will give her surprise.
If i say i did not have this feeling sure is "LIE" ..
But should i expect much about this?
If never expect things to happen , its better to feel surprised that to feel disappointed .
I have so Much on my mind now..Its killing me ..!!!
Friends , colleague ... all around me keep asking..


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