Sunday, February 26, 2012

Birthday Wish in 2012

I am the March baby ! Haha.. My birthday is very near .. 
Anyone who remember my birthday date /! Hahaha..
Hmm.. I was remember last year my birthday totally SUCK..
But because nobody know,but there have some people i expect them attend but they not.
Disappointed very much.. So...
Don't expect things to happen. It's better to be surprised than disappointed
I don't trust easily. So when I tell you that "I trust you", please don't make me regret it.
If a girl asks you a question, it’s better to just tell her the truth. Chances are, she’s asking you because she already knows the answer.

Well, As i wish i have 2012 birthday wish is..

1. Finish my LCCI course and get all pass ! Haha (Hate study seriously !! )

2. Stay 47KG.. LoL.. ( After CNY i have gain till 50KG, have to keep fit! I want my slim body back)

3. Have my own Camera ( No more snap picture in phone..OMG)

4.Have my own car - My dream car sure is Suzuki Swift! 

5.I want Iphone 5 !!!!

6.Travel - Taiwan and Hawaii 

7.Have a job i like and stable

8. Early more money to spent but not saving money for use.

 There still have many i havent mention here.. Greedy ! xD

Relationships nowadays: First month: "I love you baby!"
 Second month: "We'll be together forever!" Third month: Single.

The day of the music - What Makes You Beautiful- One Direction

1 comment:

  1. Hi, 您好。
    Wow, it seem like you got quite a lot of to do list ya, how's status now?


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