Saturday, February 25, 2012

W/ new gang friend

Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had.
Next month will be my poor month ! 
No bubble tea no shopping less outing.. but prepared my exam.
Haiz.. Too bad la! Money for everything. But not everything for money.

I had a great night with them. Hmm.. well! I am the most quite there.
Join with the new gang friend at Nueve. LoL..
When i saw them all snap picture and very fun.
Suddenly i miss out my buddy ! When we can be like them again. Miss it =')

But snap any picture with the,m seem we dunno much.. LoL..
I can say is.. I shy snap picture with them la.
Hahaha.. Look quite there but actually i am the talkactive if know me more.Haha..

As the new gang friends - Flower Family =)
Thank for someone bring me and join together ! Happy*

The day of the music :-  We Run The Night - Havana Brown

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