Friday, June 29, 2012

Celebrated Khai Birthday

Heading to Candy house alone...Meet up all babe there ! Teeheee..!! Tonight have a big surprise for Khai !
He still dunno we will celebrated with him. Plan go early for dinner which near Candy house Pasar Malam. 
Laksa and nasi lemak as my dinner tonight ! Fat die me !! I really do LOVE laksa ! Satisfy ~
After that we go for Tai Tea for celebrated .
Here have Me, Candy, Fanny, Iwer, Helen, Dada, Bpei, Khai, Ah Beng, Andy, Dada bf, Candy cousin .
Twelve people with his birthday celebrated ..
I need to lose some weight! A lot of dress and cloth could not wear ! Arrrggghhh!!
Don't let one bad day turn into a bad week, or bad month or bad year because you chose to give up.
I keep myself busy with the things to do, but everytime I pause, I still think of you
Happiness, after all, is found in the simplest of things. :)

不论做什么事,相信你自己,别让别人的一句话将你击倒. :)

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