Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oh my Weekday !

Weekday is here again ! Have to fight for the work. I am start working life again.
Still the same wake up early and go for the work. Luck my office place quite nearly! Hahaha..
I always use 5 min to go true there..Hehe.. Super no need worry traffic jam ad.
Now I have to sleep early for charge my power go to work. Still as a account clerk. Sign!! No choice la~
Tonight have to help my friend for working at Auto City. First time :D
No wonder Wednesday less of customer , face with the phone more that service customer.Oh Shittt!!! 
Working for whole day really do tired ! I have plan to work for part time earn more income geh! But...
Any jobs intro me?? But ... Please !!! ANTI sales please ! 
If have any event or function or roadshow for sales event I still OK !!
But stop asking me join any members and any investment. 

True love stories should never have a happy ending, because true love stories never end.
A relationship is like a job. You have to work hard to get in it, and you have to work even harder to stay in it.


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