Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hello Ipoh !

Heading to Ipoh with cousin~

My outfit look !~

Heading to Ipoh with cousin which have Pay Ting , Jessica, Lay Hwa and my sister.
Going with my cousin friends, fetch us go Ipoh them he back.
I not really detail know who it him. Just sit at car non stop talk with my cousin.
Update each other life and fashion. LOL...

The first place we went for Fish Head Mi Hun as brunch. Then have next round Tau Fu Fa
What a hot weather, just went for shopping mall – Jusco. Actually is nothing special. I have no idea the bright sun turn fast to heavy rain. Heavy rain had broken our plan. Not going any hill seem everywhere is wet . Early dinner at
安记芽菜鸡沙河粉. Then chilling at the Olivenz café. 
December think to go dye my hair as well! Feel bad with the hair color ! Yiii...Pillow Talk with cousin ! 

Picture of the day ...

Four of us

With my sister =]

 Take 1 ~

Take 2~

Take 3 ~

Early dinner about 6.30PM+ if not wrong with the time

Another chilling place..

Gossip talk ! LOL..

Having snacks and "peace" PILLOW TALK 

OMG... Look at thissss.. what i am doing ?! Hahahahaha..


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