Friday, November 23, 2012

My day is simple and peace after I had met you ♥

 It's Friday again! ! TGIF ! Tomorrow no working but handing out with cousin..
Just look forward this weekend ! Hope it is great day with them.
Having my lunch at Auto City which near my company . 
Sub of the day - Smoked Turkey as lunch and Starbucks - Green Tea Ice Blended 
Cheer me up please !!♥

Fresh Kon as my new lenses! no more cheap or barbie lenses anymore! Protect my eye nowadays ! Prepared go Sunway Carnival for movie with my boy. - Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2. And we having dinner at Kenny Rogers ROASTERS.

My day is simple and peace after I had met you !Appreciate everything happened with you ♥

I'm not a perfect person, I make a lot of mistakes but still, I love those people who stay with me after knowing how I really am.

Picture of the day : 

Happy day ~ ♥

My boy ~  ♥

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