Sunday, December 30, 2012


Tomorrow is the last day of 2012 year! Throw away all the bad and look forward
Appreciate what you have right now, because you don't always get a second chance.
Stop worrying about the future & be thankful for what you've been blessed with so far.
My 2012 wishes haven't even came true yet
3 main rules in a relationship: 
Don’t lie. Don’t cheat. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Dinner at Isshin Japanese

Tonight have a dinner with Danny at Auto City Isshin Japanese Restaurant.
It is my first try here. Well, the sushi is really taste good that other. 
But i will less come , because the food is not that cheap .
He show off his new baby phone - Iphone 5. 
How i wish i could have unlimited money for shopping.
 I dont want a job , I just want the money. LOL

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve with a group friends

 Merry Christmas to all of you ~♥
Prepared and wait Pei Shan pick up me. Heading to Penang later.. 
Celebrated Christmas with a group friends at Mar Vista Condominium.
My boy "ang mo kek pa " prepared a sumptuous dinner. 
Guys will be his helper to prepared anything he need. And girls just sitting at the sofa wait for the food. LOL... How great if my boy friends will know to prepared it for me. Fantasy* 
Alright , here have some picture take by today. 
Its been long time did not meet up Pei Shan and Wiki . Nice to meet them again. 
I am sure that spending my day with them it is really fun. Cant wait for next outing again. Hehe.. 
So , did you past your Christmas day with your lovely one? You may share with me =]
Wishing our friends and family a joyous holiday filled with peace, love and prosperity. Merry Christmas :)

Finally three of us meet up again. 

Picture with the Christmas tree

With Pretty Wiki 

Four girl ~ Jaden gf - Ke Xin , Wiki then is Me and Pei Shan =]

Another picture snap by Wiki BF

Cant wait for the dinner ! Woot ~!! 

Tadaaaa... Look delicious right ? Craving for the mush potato mostly !! 

Big Turkey that we had. I am the first try . LOL..

Well, as we glad that have dinner together . 

Only the one picture with my boy. He really busy ... yerrr

All guys here.. !! Say cheerrrr~

Take 2 ..

I want a MAN to look at me while I'm smiling with friends and doing those stupid things and he whispered to his bro saying"Damn,I love her!"

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Meet up Jeffery at WInter Warmer

Two hours more for climbing the mountain with little brother. 
Then prepared to meet up my brother - Jeffery .
Just simple chilling at Auto City Winter Warmer. 
He trouble in love recent. Breaking with his girl friends.
Haiz.. many trouble happen on him. I only can be his listener.
Simple and without make up today. LAZY seriously...

Here my bother noom noommm...

 That my lunch today ! is also my brunch actually.

Friday, December 21, 2012

My boy cook tonight

Cant wait to meet up my boy tonight ! Finish work then rush to Penang alone meet up him
Tonight personally prepared the dinner for me. First try and i never know when he cooking is look like ?
I really do appreciate the dinner he have prepared for me. And i know he have really cook as well.
Thank for the dinner. Feel like so happiness 
Hahaha.. Well, just sharing some picture here . Short blog today ! I am lazy to say more that anything.
So, wait for my next blog ya. No wonder have any who read my blog ?

Thursday, December 20, 2012


放工以后就去Jusco 买圣诞礼物,相信很多人都会准备给朋友,同事以及家人吧?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Chilling with buddy at Tutti Futti & Blackball

Without bad days, you’d never know what a good one was.
First round chilling with Fish , Candy and Bpei at Tutti Frutti .
Thank for the treat Bpei ! 
Then we next go Auto city market , for me tonight is window shopping.
I still prefer saving money to go KL shopping. Then we go BlackBall Original Taiwanese Tea & Dessert as next dessert. That the reason i could not slim down. LOL..

Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Grandma Birthday

Two car with it, heading to grandma house. Today celebrate her birthday, so that I can meet up my cousin too. 

Whole day did not touch my phone and Facebook or Twitter. I can’t believe that! LOL... Rush to grandma house for half day long then rush back meet my boy... Go Chai Leng Park for dinner. Oh “Le Le” … Craving it suddenly: D

Find someone who will change your life, not just your status. I'm always having a good time when I'm with you.I am a girl who needs to stay strong no matter what happens

Picture at grandma house :

This is my cousin daughter , name Yuan Yuan. Cute ? :D 
she cute and super love eating. Special who have giving her food. then she will follow 

Ignoring my sleepy face. With my two cousin =]

Yuan Yuan say: why u snap me ?! No allow to snap ...

She like big head picture ! Take 1 ~

Another picture she take ! Take 2

Alright.. let sing birthday song to my grandma ! 
Grandma happy birthday to you ~

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Paradise Beach & James Foo Western Food

And .....Then......

Reach at Paradise Beach Behind Flamingo Hotel. Miss beach very very much...
Snap some picture with my sister and brother , include my boy.
He complain me fat ad ! sad =[
Go James Foo & Family Western Food for next round. 
Just sharing the last meal today with him.
I know i cant finish it if order my own set meal

My bed is more comfortable in the morning then it is at night.
Night people !

Picture of the day ~

Beach view. Feel like going swim ! 

My brother and sister ! Look same height right ? LOL

With my talkative brother. He really talk much when i asking him one question. 

Three of us! =]

Sit like a boos !  

Only my sister know to snap me every where. LOL.. but my boy.. * impossible la!

I like this picture inside me and him ! Look sweet ! =] 


~ end ~