Sunday, March 24, 2013


Fuyohhh.. Feel prove myself that using three hours to finish climb Tukun Mountain.
First time go exercise with my colleague. We really have that willpower to climb up.
Its been long time i didt up early for exercise. I think I am addicted to workout.
Enjoy my muscle sore so much.. LOL 
Around 7am up and heading there. Then finish climb we just go for breakfast. Yummiee..

OMGGG!!! Please ignore my dark circle.

Siu Mai always my favor !! Dim Sum as breakfast ! 

Meet up Fanny at Dessert first , chit chat with her.
We did not meet up after the Phuket trip.
She really do change a lot. Erm.. how to say leh..
Its over love his boy friends. Should be good or not ?
I think she lack of trust his boy friends. Or maybe his BF have lie her before. 
I really unlike to stay with the love everyday like that without trust.

Yam Cha with my babe - Paris Fragrance tea.

Then night meet up Candy and Beng and Iwer. 
Pizza as dinner today ! Yay!! 

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