Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Its my BIG DAY !

Its my birthday day but i not take leave today. 
Its still normal day , Tuesday ! Early morning prepared for work.
Thank for boss treat me any food I want. I just want to have Nando Peri Peri chicken.
So make it at lunch time with boss and colleague.
I have receive a small surprise from my colleague too. She bought me Moo Moo Cake as well.
When nearly finish work, sudden she call my name very loud. 
That time i just thinking to back home early and prepared out.
I am very happy even just a simple celebrated ! Glad that she still bough me a cake.

Well, I though all reject me then just tonight i having a dinner with my boyfriends then back home.
No wonder they at Tao waiting me. LOL.. seriously ! I dunlike surprise.
Like it make me cry after i know the thing happen on me.
I will not forget last few year my birthday how they did it to me.
But i wont that stupid have another chance bully me again.
Hahahah..!! Have girl here Candy , Fish , Siu Yu , Bpei , Iwer , Fanny 
And guy is have Eric , Beng , Khai , Lun, Ben & Andy
Anyway thank for the celebrated today ! Appreciated very much! Love ya~

Celebrated at office. LOL

Thank for view 

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