Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday at Queensbay Mall

Hi Sunday ! look lovely today ! Lack of sleep because last night i have off to bed around 5AM in the morning. After i awake about 10AM , Feel like daze sitting at the laptop few an hours. 
Finish two blog then back to sleep again. oddly people -.-
Though can have a short nap , sudden receive Candy call.
So.. heading to Penang with Candy , Beng & Eric.
New try . New shop at Queensbay Mall - Kurtos spiroll.
Kurtos spiroll is actually a traditional Hungarian pastry which also called as Chimney Cake.
Just like the bread topping covered with loads of sweet frosting.
If interest can go for try , you will not regret with it.
After having Green Tea add Soya as first try . I never have this try before.
Taste like different , i do not know how to describe it. Green tea mix soya .

Then we just simple have a set dinner at Dave's Deli also at Queensbay Mall.
Well, just a simple day we have spent with it. 

Kurtos spiroll

Dave's Deli 

Mushroom soup


Beng & Candy 

Me & Eric 

ya! I look tired 

stay close no matter how.

love that he hold my hand no matter where 

laugh till. * no post out this picture. but natural picture always as memories. 
Just for share. LOL

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