Sunday, November 17, 2013

Penang Bridge Marathon 2013

Hi Dear Reader! How was your days today.Getting up early in the morning for prepared Penang Bridge Marathon. This year i will join 10km for women run. Last few year I only join fun run 7km only.
10km is easy if i have daily exercise and workout. I try set myself a target One hours and half must finish it.
After finish 10km run will get a e-Certificate & medal. Started from 6.00am until 7.30am
And the 10km Run for men is started from 6.30am until 8am.

Here is the picture of the day. Anyway , welcome view! 
This is my number 

Look sleepy ! -.- 

After that just back home and take a whole day rest. 
I have been sleep for four hours after that. Need a fully leg rest.
If someone could help me message will be more perfect. Haha! 
I just rest at home and don't feel like going anyway. 
Say cheer up to my day. How good people who so active can go here and there after the running.

Looking for a pink sport shoes! Well, i guess i gonna spent money to buy a new sport shoes for myself.
Wanna survey a camera for myself too ! What brand is better & suit me as well ? Gonna buy it for myself soonest! I  am just love shooting picture , how can I not have own a camera.
Give me a suggest if you have , Thanks :)

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