Saturday, November 9, 2013

Wedding dinner 9.11.13

Going for Hair cut today but not dare to try cut it short yet.
After all i have take care my hair as long , sudden ask me cut till short i will not bear.
After a hair cut then rush home dress up . We have to reach the wedding dinner at 8PM.
Before that we have to check in hotel. Stay a night at SP. I will suggest T+ Hotel that we stay. 
Errmm.. Its not a Three Star or what Star hotel. But quite cheap . For a night just RM90. 
Attend wedding dinner at 日凤楼海鲜酒

Actually my body shape is not really like S as u all see. The leg still look fat .
 Angle problem i guess.

With DaDa & Candy and ME =]
I am the one who less show out my teeth when smile. Hahaha. 


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