Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sip & Chew Cafe , The Mugshot , Heaven Gate in a day

Laying bed like nobody care! I gonna sleep more then that. SO sleepy~ Today is holiday what.

Lunch with my boy at Sweet Forest then visit Eric sister new born baby.
Then meet up Pei Shan and Soo Chong at Sip & Chew Cafe.
Erm.. No really like the cafe much. Cuz the food not very much.

Lunch  at Sweet Forest . First try . 

Stop say BO JIO ~!!

I still not bored with the yogurt from The Mugshot. I have come here many time but still not bored with it.
Order the same favor Honey & Kiwi Yogurt. And Pei Shan try Mango & Walnut Yogurt.

Early dinner at Heaven Gate which is celebrated Soo Chong birthday.
We have celebrated early , but the real birthday date on 6 November.

The Heaven Gate we have first came and try the food. Their environment very high class and feel so comfortable. I love the place when having wine with friends.
I do not explanation too much detail about the restaurant.
Just go ahead to try their food, never regret with  it.

Next we go 1st Avenue Mall TGV Cinema watching Thor 2.
It is one of my favor movie. Quite Funny..
Any who have watch the movie will know...

Well anyway , Thor 2 was good ! I will be waiting for Thor 3.

my hobbies include eating and complaining that i’m getting fat
Drink lots of water daily to keep skin looking moisturized and radiant.

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