Friday, January 31, 2014

正月初一 - 旗袍装

Its my first time wearing Cheong Sam during Chinese New Year. So like but the once i wear while Chinese New Year. For other else, i guess is attend wedding dinner. I feel so weird ! I guess after this time i will keep until the Cheong Sam cant wear anymore. Such a waste , right? Hahaha.. My dad go China then bought for me and my mum & sister. My mum cant wear it because she feel tummy is bigger to show out very uglier ! I try to asking her keep fit and less eat. But this time is fail again. 

I have no idea how to tight up nicely hair style match with my Cheong Sam. So... 
This nice or not? I also simple tight without any help. 
Only i can helping my mum and sister dress up. No body will help me actually.
I will found my own way for sure. Take time to choose which is suit me.

This year my grandma house really do less relative come visit my grandma . Some else go for travel and some else? I dunno anymore. Never go ask what happen and what wrong with it. How good i can leave it faster. Could not very close with my cousin. So far we just meet up once year when Chinese New Year.

My dad is prepared mood for gambling but gambling "kaki" is not coming this year. No gambling sure he will bored and doing nothing. We leaving around 1pm.Then....

We go for temple for pray for sure. This year my dad said we make it go three temple for which he pick. Whatever for it. Is can back early i most prefer.

Picture of the day ~

I get the first big ang bao from my daddy !! 

Kissing the air ~

My dear sister with a fatty cute baby

Family picture <3 p="">

Done dye my hair. No more gold anymore.!

I am tired because lack of sleep.

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