Thursday, January 30, 2014

除夕夜 - Reunion Dinner

I am so worried about myself cant control stop eating. So many nice food during chinese new year.
How to lose weight and keep it off: 
Fixing bad habits, Exercising daily, Moderated eating, A positive attitude, Eating enough.
Ermm... Alright ! I try to maintain it. Hahaha... Its i lose my weight , is good news!

You know why? From Wednesday until next Monday will have steamboat everyday.
I will become bored with steamboat for sure , anyone who same as me?
No idea , right? because my mum will say easy for her to prepared the meal.

Fireworks here and there,very noisy la wei~!! I cannot sleep well. I only like how pretty the fireworks are not how noisy they are. Waiting all fireworks is end! Then only is the time for me off to bed!

祝你在除夕夜开开心心,珍惜跟家人吃饭的时光~\(≧▽≦)/~ 在新一年也可以心想事成,马到功成,马上有钱~\(≧▽≦)/~

Steamboat first round

Another TomYam Steamboat 

Me and my sister Landy

Too bored for doing nothing after the dinner at grandma house.

Dye my hair by myself better. Saloon all increase price . I bought it at Watsons just RM30.90.
Cheap and easy for me to dye my hair by myself. This time i choose Antique Rose Red. 

Waiting for the result out ! Say bye to my gold hair 

Masking while short nap

Wish this few day lack of sleep wont easy pop pimple. Plsss!

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