Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hunt Food : Coffee Story & St Anne with the girls

Thanks for Pei Wen treat me eat The Coffee Bean Breakfast after we finish hiking.

Meet up the girls after hiking. First we went Coffee Story 

A night spend with sis at St Anne. We just want to wishes what we want. God bless us..

Its been long time didn't gossip girls at friends house till this hours. I feel myself very keat. Time for bed! talkative... Girls talk. I love it :)

其实我最感谢那些会来找我说话的人 不管是无聊了 还是很久不见了 会打电话过来问说在干嘛要不要出来走走 很久没见了 或者一条信息说最近怎么样 可能即使是无聊的时候会被想到也会觉得蛮好的 至少那么多人你想到我 还记得我就好

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